The D H Flinders team have broad experience in many international markets
Experience in the financial institutions and services, real estate, professional services, hospitality, retail, resources, media, gaming, healthcare, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing and information and communications technology industries
Equity raising and debt arrangement
IPO and listings on Australian Securities Exchange
Back door listings on the Australian Securities Exchange
Mergers and acquisitions
Real estate development, acquisition and management
Acquisition and divestment of funds management, banking, hospitality, professional services, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and retail businesses
Development of a range of insurance, banking and investment products
New Zealand
Establishment of joint venture arrangements
Real estate development, acquisition and management
Development of investment products
Equity raising
Equity raising and debt arrangement
IPO and listings on Singapore Securities Exchange
Secondary listing on Singapore Securities Exchange
Establishment of joint venture arrangements
Acquisition and divestment of property assets
Establishment of funds management businesses
Equity raising and debt arrangement
IPO and listings on Bursa Malaysia
Acquisition advice
Acquisition and divestment of a stockbroking business
Establishment of crossborder joint ventures
Development of real estate funds management platform
Hong Kong / China
Equity raising
Development of business platform
Acquisition of property assets
Development of investment funds
Establishment of joint venture business relationships
Acquisition advice
Acquisition of property assets
United States of America
Equity, hybrid and debt raising
IPO and listings on the American Stock Exchange
Establishment of joint venture business relationships
Mergers and acquisitions
Cross border investments
Development of investment products
Equity, hybrid and debt raising